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Our dermatologists specialize in culturally sensitive care for individuals of all skin types and backgrounds.
Telehealth appointments are available.
Skin and hair conditions can look different in people with darker skin. Not to mention, some conditions only affect skin of color. That’s why it’s so important to see a dermatologist who specializes in dermatology for individuals of color.
At the USC Skin of Color and Pigmentary Disorders Program in Los Angeles, you’ll get personalized and culturally sensitive dermatology care for a wide range of medical and cosmetic skin conditions that affect people of color. This includes people of a variety of racial and ethnic backgrounds, including African, African American, Caribbean, Hispanic, Asian, Middle Eastern, Native American and mixed-race backgrounds.
Our team specializes in skin of color and pigmentary conditions and uses the latest research-based therapies and advanced technology for medical and cosmetic procedures.
Whether your skin issue is mild or severe, our team will create a custom treatment plan to relieve your symptoms, improve your quality of life and help you look your best.
In the Media: Watch Dr. Elbuluk talk about the lack of diversity in dermatology on CBS Mornings
Using the most advanced technology and latest innovations in skin care, our dermatologists treat a wide range of conditions, specifically for people of color, including:
The USC Skin of Color and Pigmentary Disorders Program is one of only a few such programs in the United States and the only such academic program in Southern California.
Your care team includes a board-certified dermatologist who specializes in ethnic skin and pigmentary conditions.
Our team is highly skilled at performing dermatology procedures safely on darker skin.
Each patient will receive a comprehensive skin assessment, including an evaluation, diagnosis and custom treatment plan.
The USC Skin of Color and Pigmentary Disorders Program leads research studies on skin of color, pigmentation and health equity in dermatology care.
Our research work is helping advance diagnostic and treatment options for people of color globally.
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