
How Dangerous Is Secondhand Smoke?

Passive smoking can be more damaging to your health than you might think. Considering the clear risks associated with smoking,…

Everything You’ve Ever Wanted to Know About Kidney Stones

You’ve probably heard that passing a kidney stone can be very painful, but you might not know exactly what they…

10 Surprising Facts About Kidney Stones

Do you know which part of the country is nicknamed the “Stone Belt”? Find out this and other fascinating facts…

5 Reasons You Might Have Flank Pain

If it hurts in your mid-back region on either side of your body, it could be a pulled muscle —…

6 Myths About Urinary Incontinence in Women

There are several misconceptions about urinary incontinence in women, including that it’s a condition without effective treatment options. The facts…

Is It Dangerous To Hold in Your Urine?

There’s not a restroom in sight — and you have to go. Is it dangerous to hold it in for…