
Executive Recruits Own Lifesaving Surgeon

A stroke caused by a rare heart condition prompted Eric Alcorn, a former health care executive, to seek care from…

Testicular Cancer Surgery Preserves Fertility

After a testicular cancer diagnosis, Cameron Khani was able to avoid chemotherapy and radiation -- thanks to an innovative approach…

Minimally Invasive Procedure Calms AFib

Victoria Farraj first noticed her atrial fibrillation symptoms while teaching Kindergarten. The totally thoracoscopic maze procedure, performed by the USC…

Laryngeal Cancer Patient Finds New Voice

Cora Jackson-Fossett's laryngeal cancer required a total laryngectomy, the removal of her entire voice box. In recovery, she found a…

Meet Fernando Fleischman, MD

Dr. Fleischman, MD, is an endovascular surgeon at Keck Medicine of USC, who specializes in treating a variety of aortic…